Thursday, April 1, 2010

Back on my feet and Livin' in my Veebs

Today, I am "officially" able to return to work. It's a bittersweet day - I was enjoying the whole "stay home and get paid" thing, but the hard-working, not-wanting-to-mooch side of me is happy to back. Granted, I'm not a 100% yet, and I'm SNR (still not running) but my right foot seems solid enough to carry me on a regular basis.

I'm also wearing my Veebs (Vibram FiveFingers) all the time. I'm serious. I wear them in the house.

I know I was only supposed to get used to them "1-2 hours a day" but I said the hell with that and wore them for 12 hours. And no pain in the feet! Last weekend I did overdo it a bit - my right heel was sore, but then again so was my calf, so I have a feeling the heel pain was overexertion since my left heel felt great.

Today's weather is an unseasonable and delicious 65-ish degrees, and I definitely got my ass (and feet) outside. I'm not sure of the mileage, but I'm guessing in the vicinity of 2 miles. Here are some observations:

1) I have become stealthy and ninja quiet - These babies make hardly any noise. After clunking and shuffling around on crutches for a couple of months, it's nice to be able to sneak up on people.

2) Feeling like a badass - When I walk into any store with a "No Shoes, No Service" sign, I almost look around for a manager or security officer to take me down as a non-shoe wearing law breaker. Depending on my mood, I WANT them to challenge my Veebs ("Damn right they are shoes, the toes are covered! There's rubber on the bottom! Flip flop feet are more naked!")

3) When I have to wear conventional shoes, my heart gets sad, and I daydream about the next time I get to wear my Veebs.

Ok, so the last one was just me being weird. Because, yeah, I get it, loving shoes that much is pretty bizarre. The first step is admitting I have a problem.

I can't wait to start running. I've even gone and done something I never thought I would do and I officially registered for my first half marathon in 2011! Crazy? Possibly. But I'm uber-psyched. I'm gonna start the training and do a 5K in October to grease the race running wheels. In the meantime, Dear Reader, many of my posts in the coming months will not be documenting any heavy running training. However, I will be sure to let you know if I walk to the mailbox, or anything monumental like that.

I have no idea where this blog is going, but you are welcome to join me for the ride.

Each day I aspire to become less Gimpy, and more Panda.

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